27 Apr, 2024

Discover Your Server: Install Apache on Ubuntu Positive Guide

In the ever-changing world of web hosting, having a strong and dependable server is essential. One of the essential steps in accomplishing this is setting up the Apache web server on your Ubuntu computer. We’ll walk you through the procedure step-by-step in this guide to install Apache make sure you have a positive and powerful […]

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2 mins read

Empowered Performance: Improve Your Website to Enable mod_rewrite For Apache 2.2

The popular web server Apache 2.2 includes the potent mod_rewrite module. This module offers web managers an adaptable and effective method of modifying URLs, enabling them to build dynamic and user-friendly URLs, strengthen website security, and optimize overall speed. We’ll go over how to enable mod_rewrite for Apache 2.2 in Ubuntu, so that your web […]

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3 mins read

Python: Restart Apache or WAMP Increase Performance

There are a few different ways to programmatically restart Apache or WAMP depending on your operating system and programming language. Here are a few typical methods: Command Line (Restart Apache) If you are using WAMP on a Windows system, you can use the net command to restart the Apache service. You can do this programmatically […]

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1 min read

Power full way to Restart Apache2 server in Ubuntu

Restarting the Apache2 server is a regular procedure when operating an Ubuntu web server that could be required following updates or configuration changes. This tutorial will show you how to use the systemctl or service command to restart the Apache2 server on Ubuntu. Using systemctl to Restart Apache2 For Ubuntu 16.04 and later, use the […]

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