27 Apr, 2024

Empowered Cannot use object of type stdClass array

Many of you facing the error “cannot use object of type stdClass array“. In this post you will learn how can we resolve this error? This post will show you when you get this error message and How can you resolve this error easily. PHP or WordPress shows “cannot use object of type stdClass array” error […]

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2 mins read

How to convert JSON string to Array

Here I an showing convert JSON string to php Array 1. I have taken php Variable, I have assign JSON in that php Variable 2. Here is My JSON Array $jsonArray = ‘{“person_id”:”BC21903E-9D4B-40E9-9DAD-00038273508F”, “last_seen_by”:”8A40E73A-8228-4225-B980-A84D7148925A”, “last_name”:”Last 175759″, “first_name”:”First 175759″, “date_of_birth”:”19710222″, “zip”:”190133306″, “sex”:”F”, “race”:null, “other_id_number”:”NEW502828″, “language”:”English”, “religion”:null, “ethnicity”:”Black Or African American”, “last_appt_date”:”20120726″, “allergies”:[], “diagnoses”:[{ “person_id”:”BC21903E-9D4B-40E9-9DAD-00038273508F”, “provider_id”:”88E6E79C-9627-48C0-A2A2-9C1570396F5B”, “enterprise_id”:”1″, […]

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2 mins read