27 Apr, 2024

Blogger Theme: Upgrade Blog with New Theme

Are you looking to give your blog a fresh new look? In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to install a new blogger theme in Blogger and transform the appearance of your blog effortlessly. People use Blogger to Empower their blogs on Blogger with Search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to enhance visibility and […]

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2 mins read

Drive to resolve Error 421 Cleartext Sessions Are Not Accepted on This Server

FileZilla is a popular FTP client used for transferring files between computers. However, when attempting to connect to an FTP server, you may encounter the error message “421 Cleartext Sessions Are Not Accepted on This Server” This error indicates that the FTP server you’re trying to connect to does not allow unencrypted connections. Fortunately, there […]

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2 mins read

Deny directory listing with .htaccess

If you make a new directory on your website, and do not want put an “index.html” file into it, you may be surprised to find that your visitors can get a directory listing of all the files in that folder. For Example: I have a directory /public_html/ABCD/ And too many sub directories into it, like […]

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1 min read

To improve page load times and save bandwidth using the .htaccess

Improving page load times and saving bandwidth are crucial factors for a successful website. The .htaccess file, used by the Apache web server, can be a powerful tool in achieving these goals. In this article, we will explore various techniques and optimizations that can be implemented through the .htaccess file to enhance website performance. One […]

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4 mins read

How to Leverage Browser Caching via .htaccess

Leveraging browser caching through the .htaccess file is an effective way to improve website performance by instructing the user’s browser to cache static resources. This reduces the number of requests made to the server, as the browser can retrieve cached files instead. To leverage browser caching, follow these steps: Open your preferred text editor and […]

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3 mins read