27 Apr, 2024

Tutorial Angular ng-controller replaced by Angular components

In Angular, there is no ng-controller directive. The concept of controllers was used in AngularJS, the predecessor of Angular. In the Angular, ng-controllers have been replaced by components. In Angular, components are the building blocks of your application. They encapsulate the view (HTML), logic, and data associated with a particular part of your application’s user […]

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2 mins read

MySQL ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’

Somehow the MySQL server process did not create the socket, or the client is looking for the socket in the wrong place that is why MySQL is generate ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket To prevent “MySQL Error 2002 Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket“, we have to […]

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1 min read

SEO friendly URL’s for Magento

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly URLs allow your website to be found quicker within the search engines. To enable SEO friendly links in Magento, please follow steps as define below: Enable SEO Friendly URL in Magento Login to your Magento admin panel Navigate to System->Configuration->Web You will found option “Search Engine Optimization”, click on that […]

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1 min read

Introduction to Angular

Angular.js is an open source JavaScript MVC framework developed by Google. Angular.js is an allows to separate presentation logic and application logic on web applications. HTML is generally use for static documents, What happen when we try to use HTML for dynamic views? Is this possible in web-applications? AngularJS is make that possible dynamic HTML […]

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1 min read

What’s the difference between MyISAM and InnoDB?

The difference between MySQL Table Type MyISAM and InnoDB are MYISAM MyISAM designed for need of speedMYISAM supports Table-level LockingMyISAM stores its tables, data and indexes in diskspace using separate three different files. (tablename.FRM, tablename.MYD, tablename.MYI)MyISAM does not support foreign keys hence we call MySQL with MYISAM is DBMSMYISAM supports fulltext searchYou can use MyISAM, […]

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1 min read

How to convert JSON string to Array

Here I an showing convert JSON string to php Array 1. I have taken php Variable, I have assign JSON in that php Variable 2. Here is My JSON Array $jsonArray = ‘{“person_id”:”BC21903E-9D4B-40E9-9DAD-00038273508F”, “last_seen_by”:”8A40E73A-8228-4225-B980-A84D7148925A”, “last_name”:”Last 175759″, “first_name”:”First 175759″, “date_of_birth”:”19710222″, “zip”:”190133306″, “sex”:”F”, “race”:null, “other_id_number”:”NEW502828″, “language”:”English”, “religion”:null, “ethnicity”:”Black Or African American”, “last_appt_date”:”20120726″, “allergies”:[], “diagnoses”:[{ “person_id”:”BC21903E-9D4B-40E9-9DAD-00038273508F”, “provider_id”:”88E6E79C-9627-48C0-A2A2-9C1570396F5B”, “enterprise_id”:”1″, […]

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2 mins read

How to lock the orientation to portrait mode in a iPhone/Andorid Web Application?

You can specify CSS styles based on viewport orientation: Target the browser with body[orient=”landscape”]  or body[orient=”portrait”] Try this via the CSS @viewport rule @viewport { orientation: portrait; } Or $(document).ready(function () { $(window) .bind(‘orientationchange’, function(){ if (window.orientation % 180 == 0){ $(document.body).css(“-webkit-transform-origin”, “”) .css(“-webkit-transform”, “”); } else { if ( window.orientation > 0) { //clockwise […]

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1 min read