29 Apr, 2024

Efficient Approach Directory Archive

Using the terminal to archive folders is a flexible and effective approach to managing and arranging your files in Linux. This method, which is particularly helpful for data storage, transmission, and backups, entails compressing whole directories into a single, space-saving file. This post will demonstrate effective directory archive techniques using the terminal. In the process […]

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2 mins read

Powerful tool PHPMailer for sending email

A key element of success in the dynamic world of web development is excellent email communication. As a popular server-side programming language, PHP provides a large range of tools and modules to make sending emails easier. PHPMailer for sending email is the powerful and functional email library for PHP developers known as phpMailer. This in-depth […]

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4 mins read

Drive to resolve Error 421 Cleartext Sessions Are Not Accepted on This Server

FileZilla is a popular FTP client used for transferring files between computers. However, when attempting to connect to an FTP server, you may encounter the error message “421 Cleartext Sessions Are Not Accepted on This Server” This error indicates that the FTP server you’re trying to connect to does not allow unencrypted connections. Fortunately, there […]

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2 mins read

Insider Tip : Boost MySQL optimization table

Improving MySQL optimization table is essential for effective data storage. A more efficient and productive database infrastructure is required as companies depend more and more on data-driven insights. Even with its reputation for resilience and adaptability, MySQL may gain a great deal from well-executed optimization techniques. We explore several facets of MySQL optimization table in […]

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